Thursday 17 July 2008

17th July

1am still wake watching Total Recall on TV, 2 am still watching 2.30 now praying and crying to sleep. Finally dropped off and woke at 7. I then drank a large cup of tea and dropped of again. Woke a few times when phone went, mum popped in, kids popped in. 6pm finally woke and got out of bed. Bad headache all day but I think this is just because of sleep deprivation and lack of fluids.
Read my e mails and both women Diane and Louise who are both awaiting transplants have agreed to help publisise our plight and get people to sign. This means we are the 3 musketeers fighting for an end to this miserable situation thousands of people find themselves in each year. I’ve got meetings and interviews with a few different companies in the media trying and help us. 23.45 pm watching TV again and reading my OU prospectus. I have been so utterly depressed and upset lately that I really need cheering up and with the degree and the transplant media coverage I can become upbeat and positive again. So if anyone would like to help us in our plight please gets in touch.

1 comment:

Chris Linacre said...

Hi Helen
I saw you on Look North today.I havent had time to read much yet but will do. My thoughts are with you
xx Chris