Friday, 4 July 2008

Friday 4th June 2008

Friday 4th June 2008
At 1.30 this morning the phone rang. John answered and I couldn’t hear what he was saying. After a few minutes he came downstairs turned the lights on and came in. I had had the transplant call. I phone mum and just said' I’ve had the call'. Within 10 minutes mum and dad were here. 5 minutes later Newcastle phoned again and said there was a donor but at this stage they couldn’t be sure if I was compatible but they had to get me up to Newcastle in case I was.There are many tests they have to do to ensure you are a match. I think one of the first is to see if you are the same size and blood group then its gets down to the nity grity. At 1.50 the Ambulance arrived and Mum and I got in, I must admit that one of the crew wasnt one of the happiest people ive ever met. I told Dad and John not to follow as if it’s a false alarm it was a waste of time everyone going up and I hate the thought of them driving up under immense stress.
At 4.22 we arrived at the hospital and just as we pulled outside the emergency doors the transplant team called and said 'Sorry I wasn’t compatible and I could go home'.(I cant not describe the feeling that i experienced one one hand you think youve lost the chance at living , then you think that at least your going to live another night (( thinking that the transplant could go wrong )) and then you immediatley feel utter depression ).
I looked at Mum and the Ambulance crew shook my head and just said lets go home. Let’s hope if I get another call there will be a more positive outcome.
I don’t know if the lungs were suitable for anyone else they don’t tell you that.
We arrived back home at 7.00 this morning. I haven’t been able to speak to anyone yet its 20.43 and I’m just numb. I’ve tried to sleep today as I haven’t been to sleep in about 30 hours but I can’t.
I have smiled though today i watched Emmerdale tonight and saw the part where i watched the filming.
Thanks for all your support.

1 comment:

lulu said...

There really is nothing to describe how awful a false alarm is! I just hope that the right match is found for you very soon! x x